This survey will assist Subud Australia to update the Member Address List and we need your assistance to ensure we have accurate records. We also wish to gain a more accurate understanding of your needs and your individual views. This will enable the Subud Council to form policy to meet members’ needs with greater certainty. Your assistance, by completing this survey, is extremely important and appreciated.

This 3 part Survey will take approximately a total of 15 to 20 minutes to complete.

Each person’s answers are valuable and important.

Membership Address List.

Only your name and contact details (Questions 1 to 5), will be published in the Subud National Address Book, which is for access by Subud members only.

Further Demographic Information.

Questions 6 to 24 will give us a clearer picture of our members. This information will be kept on file with Subud Australia, accessible only to the office manager and the National Committee. It will be used for assessing membership needs. Only very general information will be published from this section in Subud Accent and individuals will not be able to be identified in any way.

Needs and Views of the Australian Membership.

This information will be used for generating statistics only, and will not be attached to your name in any database. This data will help to guide National Council in future planning. To encourage full participation, this section is totally confidential and is collected and collated separately from Parts 1 and 2.

Your age, year opened and gender is asked again, to give meaningful context to the other data in Part 3. Once analysis is complete, base data will be destroyed. We are only interested in general trends in Part 3, not in any one individual person’s information.

When you have completed filling in the survey forms, please place in the appropriate coloured envelope and place in the colour coded box in your latihan hall:

Parts 1 and 2 are white; Part 3 is green.

If you are in the country or can’t get to the Latihan hall easily, please post both envelopes to your Group Survey Representative, who will identify themselves when they post the blank survey forms to you. (To ensure confidentiality, do not put any identifying return address on the back of the envelope)

Alternatively you can mail directly to:

Subud Australia Survey Manager, Bavali Hill, 37 Forrest Street, Fremantle. WA 6160.

(Again, to ensure confidentiality, do not put any identifying return address on the back of the envelope)

SURVEY 1 - Subud Australia Membership Demographic Survey 2008

SURVEY – PARTS 1 and 2.

Put Parts 1 and 2 into the WHITE ENVELOPE, and place into the WHITE BOX, or post to the Survey Representative of your Group, or to Bavali Hill. Please complete as fully as you can.

Part 1 - Membership Address List.

The first 5 questions will be made available only to other members of Subud Australia, and will appear in the Subud Australian Address Book, as per the current practice.

Note: You may indicate with an asterisk beside any of these items that you do NOT wish to appear visible to the other Australian members. Please print clearly in UPPER CASE

1. Full Name:………………………………………………………………….

  1. Address: …………………………………………………………………State: …….. P/C……….

  1. Phone: Home………………………………… Mobile: …………………………………

  1. Email (if read at least fortnightly – print clearly): ……………………………………………………………….

  1. Group: …………………………………………………..

Part 2 - Additional Demographic Information. This information will be kept on file with Subud Australia, accessible only to the Office Manager and the National Committee. It will be used for assessing membership needs. Only very general statistics will be reported in Accent and no individual member will be able to be identified in any way. Please write in, or tick the correct box.

  1. DOB: (day/ month/ year) ………………………………………

  1. Gender: Male Female

  1. Year you were opened in Subud: ………………

  1. Which Subud generation are you? E.g. If relatives in your grandparents and parents’ generations were open, then you are 3rd generation. (please tick) 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

10. Current Marital Status:

married committed relationship separated divorced widowed never married.

11. If married, committed relationship or separated, was/is your partner opened? YES NO

  1. Children? (write age of each child).

13. If you have children who are open, indicate by circling the appropriate boxes above.

  1. What is your country of birth? …………………………….

  1. What is your mother’s country of birth? …………………………

  1. What is your father’s country of birth? ……………………………..

17. Are you Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander?: YES NO

Please complete the questions on the back of this page

Internet/email/web contact:

18. Do you use the Internet: YES NO (go to question 20.)

19. How often do you use the Internet: daily weekly monthly less frequently.

20. If ‘NO’, do you require a hard copy of all material:

Yes (via post or Subud mailbox or noticeboard) No

21. How often do you access the Subud Australia web site ?:

daily weekly monthly less frequently never.

22. How often do you access other Subud web sites other than Subud Australia?:

daily weekly monthly less frequently never.

23. If you access other Subud websites at all, please list these below: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Thank you for your assistance. The results of this survey will appear as general demographic trends only of the Australian Subud membership and will be published at a later date in Subud Accent. No personal information will be identifiable.

Thank you for completing Parts 1 and 2 of the Survey. Please proceed to Part 3.

The National Council.

July 2008.

What to do with your completed Survey Form 1 and 2:

1. Now you have completed filling in Parts 1 and 2, please place in the WHITE envelope and place in the WHITE box in your latihan hall:

2. If you are in the country or can’t get to the Latihan hall easily, please post both envelopes to your Group Survey Representative, who will identify themselves when they post the blank survey forms to you.

3. Alternatively you can mail directly to:

Subud Australia Survey Manager, Bavali Hill, 37 Forrest Street, Fremantle. WA 6160.

SURVEY 2 - Subud Australia Membership Information Survey 2008

SURVEY - Part 3


Put Part 3 into the GREEN ENVELOPE, and place into the GREEN SURVEY BOX.

Please complete as fully as you can.

This information will be used for generating statistics only, and will not be attached to your name in any database. Major demographic categories are repeated here, to help give meaningful context to the questions in Part 3. They will not be used in any way to identify any person.

  1. Current Age: …………..

25. Gender: Male Female

  1. Length of time as a Subud member? <5yrs 5-10yr 11-15yr 16-20yr 21- 25yr

26-30yrs 31-35yr 36-40yr 41-45yr 46-50yr 51-55yr 56-60yr

  1. Which Subud generation are you? E.g. If relatives in your grandparents and parents’ generations were open, then you are 3rd generation. (please tick) 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

28. Do you have a disability or handicap? YES NO (go to question 30)

29. Does your disability or handicap substantially affect: (tick as many boxes as appropriate)

mobility hearing sight speech mental capacity other (specify) …………….………………

30. Are you fluent, or have a ‘fair to good knowledge’ in any languages other than English?

Fluent Fair/good knowledge (go to question 32) NO (go to question 33)

31. Fluent in another language: Please specify languages:: …………………………………………….

32. Fair/good knowledge of another language: Please specify languages:: ………………………………

33. Have you lived in a country other than Australia for 1 year or more? YES NO

34. If YES, please list these countries: ……………………………………………………….……

35. Highest level of education: Please tick: Yr 10 Yr 12 Tech/TAFE Graduate Postgrad.

  1. Are you currently in paid employment?: YES NO (go to question 41)

37. How many hours, on average, do you work per week?:..…….

38. Occupation by category: Please tick appropriate category/s:

Agriculture/forestry/fishing, Mining,

Manufacturing, Gas, Electricity, Water supply,

Construction, Wholesale trade,

Retail Trade, Accommodation/Cafes/Restaurants,

Transport/ storage, Communication services,

Finance/ Insurance, Property/ Business,

Government Admin/ Defence, Education,

Health and Community Services, Cultural/ Recreational,

Personal and other services. other (please specify): ………………………

Please complete the questions on the back of this page

39. Skill Level: professional semi-professional trades/skilled semi-skilled unskilled

40. Are you self employed? YES Part self employed NO

Level of involvement in Subud/Spiritual movements:

41. Were you a member of another spiritual movement, practice or religion before joining Subud?

YES NO (go to question 43)

  1. Of which movement/practice/religion were you a member? Can tick more than one:

Catholic Anglican Protestant Judaism Moslem Buddhism Hindu Other(specify)

…………………………. ….

43. Currently, what do you name as your Religion/Spiritual orientation/s? Can tick more than one:

Subud Catholic Anglican Protestant Judaism Muslim Buddhism Hindu other(specify)


44. How were you introduced to Subud:

family member marriage friend/colleague other (specify) ………………………..

45. Frequency with which you currently attend Group Latihan?:

2/wk+, 2/wk, 1/wk, 2/mth, 1/mth, 6 per yr, 3-4 per yr, 1 per yr, rarely/never.

46. Frequency with which you attend other Subud group or regional gatherings?

2/wk+, 2/wk, 1/wk, 2/mth, 1/mth, 3-4 per yr, 1 per yr, rarely/never.

47. Number of times you’ve held a Local Committee position/role?:

never once twice 3-5 times 6+ times.

48. Number of times you’ve held a National Committee position/role?:

never once twice 3-5 times 6+ times

49. Number of times you’ve held an International Committee position/role?:

never once twice 3-5 times 6+ times

50. Are you a Helper?: YES NO (go to question 53)

51. Are you currently active as a Helper? YES NO

52. How long have you been, (or were you), active as a Helper? (number of years) ……….

  1. How many National Congresses have you attended:

none (go to question 53) one two 3-5 times 6+

54. In what year did you last attend a National Congress? : ……………………

55. How many World Congresses have you attended: ……………………

none (go to question 57) one two 3-5 times 6+

56. In what year did you last attend a World Congress? : ……………………


  1. Your individual gross yearly income bracket (tick nearest correct category)

under $20,000 $21 - 40,000 $41 - 60,000 $61 - 80,000 $81 - 100,000 above $100,000 p.a.

Please complete next page

58. Is it clear what level of financial support is needed from you to meet Subud’s basic

operating commitments? YES NO (go to question 60)

59. Is the financial amount asked of you: too high sufficient too low


60. Level to which Subud fills your current spiritual needs?:

v.high high med low little/none

61. Level to which Subud fills your current social and/or emotional needs?:

v.high high med low little/none

62. Please rate the following areas of Subud in terms of the amount of satisfaction or support you derive from each?

Group latihan v.high high med low little/none

Individual latihan v.high high med low little/none


Group social events v.high high med low little/none

Fellowship in general v.high high med low little/none

Kejiwan days v.high high med low little/none

Helpers v.high high med low little/none


Regional events v.high high med low little/none

Congress – National or wider v.high high med low little/none


Arts/culture(SICA) v.high high med low little/none

Charitable work(SD) v.high high med low little/none

Health(SIHA) v.high high med low little/none


Subud Youth activities v.high high med low little/none

Subud focused Literature v.high high med low little/none


space to make a contribution v.high high med low little/none

space to use/develop skills v.high high med low little/none



63. How satisfied are you with Subud’s visibility in the wider community: (Tick relevant box)

very high high med low little/none

64, What activities would most assist Subud’s visibility in the wider community: (Tick relevant box/es)

open house nights explanatory signage outside hall improved information leaflet

talks by helpers/chair articles in local paper/magazines notice on community notice boards

notice in spiritual magazines notice in papers/mags. stall at spiritual fairs letter box drops

personal approach by a member introductory book on Subud at local libraries radio

other (specify) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Please complete the questions on the back of this page

65. How frequently do you currently speak to any non-Subud person about either Subud or


weekly monthly 6 monthly yearly rarely/never.

66. Should Subud concern itself with trying to attract and retain more members?

YES NO (go to question 68)

  1. What areas of Subud need the most attention to assist in the attraction and retention of new members?

Conflict resolution Enterprise Welfare Culture/Arts Member Care Youth Helpers

Friendliness/welcome Public Information Better building facilities Other

68. Any comment about the need, or otherwise, to attract and retain new members: …………………………………………………………………….....................................................................................

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….



Thank you for completing Part 3 of the Survey.

National Council.

July 08.

What to do with your completed Survey Part 3:

1. Now you have completed filling in Part 3, please place in the GREEN envelope and place in the GREEN box in your latihan hall:

2. If you are in the country or can’t get to the Latihan hall easily, please post both envelopes to your Group Survey Representative, who will identify themselves when they post the blank survey forms to you. (To ensure confidentiality, do not put any identifying return address on the back of the envelope)

3. Alternatively you can mail directly to:

Subud Australia Survey Manager, Bavali Hill, 37 Forrest Street, Fremantle. WA 6160.

(Again, to ensure confidentiality, do not put any identifying return address on the back of the envelope)